The following operators can be used in the WHERE clause to filter data:
Operator | Description | Example |
= | Equal | WHERE last_name = 'Potter' |
> | Greater than | WHERE price > 5 |
< | Less than | WHERE price < 5 |
>= | Greater than or equal | WHERE price >= 5 |
<= | Less than or equal | WHERE price <= 5 |
!= or <> | Not equal | WHERE last_name != 'Potter' |
BETWEEN | Between a certain range | WHERE date_added BETWEEN '01-JAN-19' AND '31-DEC-19' |
LIKE | Search for a pattern (place a % to represent a wildcard) |
WHERE last_name LIKE 'Po%' For example return ‘Potter’, ‘Poe’, and ‘Pope’. |
IN | In a specified list | WHERE last_name IN ('Potter','Weasley','Granger') |
ANY or SOME | Check operator against a list (IN with conditional) | WHERE 10 >= ANY (12,50,24) |
Example 1
SELECT first_name , last_name FROM contact WHERE first_name = 'Harry' AND last_name = 'Potter';
Example 2
SELECT item_title , release_date , item_rating FROM item WHERE release_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-83' AND '31-JAN-83' AND item_rating != 'R';
Also, keep in mind that these can all be inverted with the NOT
WHERE NOT last_name = 'Potter'
would be synonymous with WHERE last_name != 'Potter'